Korean Swords

Ancient people of Korea preferred nature and art to warfare. Pottery and paintings flourished throughout Korean history and are still highly sought after in current times. This tendency arose as Buddhism was embraced by the Korean people during the Koguryo period (372 AD) and then Confucianism in the 1300s. However, being surrounded by larger, more aggressive and more powerful neighbouring kingdoms, Koreans were forced to develop the weapons and art of warfare as they were constantly invaded by the Chinese, Manchurians, Mongols and Japanese.

Korean swords have a long history. Stone swords were used 3000 years ago throughout Korea and iron swords were developed during the Three Kingdoms era (57 BC-668 AD). Forged and folded iron sword-making methods originated in China during the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and then spread to Korea and Japan. Korea’s first metal swords are described in writings from the Baekche Dynasty (18 BC-668 AD). Skill with the sword was a highly respected martial arts skill and swordsmen were honoured during the Three Kingdoms era. Korean sword makers developed advanced manufacturing techniques which helped spread the reputation of Korean blades throughout the region.

Sword making in Korea severely declined as the nation embraced Confucianism in the 1300s which led to disdain for the art of war. While sword making flourished in the militaristic society of feudal Japan where the sword was viewed as the soul of the Samurai, the Koreans rejected the weapons of war and the Korean sword making technology stagnated and declined. Some of the master sword makers migrated to Japan to continue their craftsmanship. Swords were continued to be made in Korea but this was primarily as a tool to defend the nation rather than an art form to be advanced.